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Click here to email a comment letter to Supervisor Williams and Supervisor Hart (or scroll down to copy the sample email below)

Click here to email a comment letter to Supervisor Lavagnino

Details on giving public comment on May 17th!

Options to make public comment on May 17th at 3pm: 

  • Distribution to the Board of Supervisors - Submit your comment via email prior to 5 pm. on the day prior to the Board meeting. Please submit your comment to the Clerk of the Board. Your comment will be placed into the record and distributed appropriately.
  • Read into the record at the meeting - Submit your comment via email prior to 5 pm on the day prior to the Board meeting, limited to 250 words or less, to the Clerk of the Board. Please state in your email that you would like this "read into the record." Every effort will be made to read your comment into the record, but some comments may not be read due to time limitations. Comments received on an agenda item will be placed into record and distributed accordingly.
  • By phone - If you would like to make a comment by phone, please call 805-568-2240 and state your name, your phone number and which item you would like to speak on and the clerk will call you at the appropriate time. Please make every effort to be available and mute all streaming devices once it is your turn to speak.
  • Via Zoom- Individuals wishing to provide public comment during the Board meeting can do so via Zoom webinar by clicking the link that will be in the Agenda in the link: https://santabarbara.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx#current



To: [email protected][email protected][email protected]

CC: [email protected] 

BCC: [email protected] 

Hi Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors, 

I am a resident of Santa Barbara County and I'm reaching out in support of the proposal to expand the SM levee trail to Guadalupe. Personally, I'm really excited about this opportunity to invest in the community of Santa Maria and create more opportunities for folks to walk, bike, and run with family & friends. 

Currently, Santa Maria only has access to 8 miles of trails across two options, while Santa Barbara has over 130 miles of trails across 52 options. As the biggest city in the county with majority working class BIPOC residents, Santa Maria deserves better. At its core, this proposal is an issue of environmental justice. Too often, communities of color receive disproportionate investment resulting in less access to green spaces. Extending the trail is an opportunity to remedy this issue and double the access to trails. I strongly urge you to advocate for the health of families in Santa Maria.
Thank you, 

(name and approx. address)