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Subject: REJECT Ormond Beach Generating Station Lease 4196 Amendment
Dear California State Lands Commission and Commissioners,
As an Oxnard resident, I am sending you this email to ask you to reject the lease amendment extending the lease term of Lease 4196 – Ormond Beach Generating Station (OBGS) from April 23, 2025, to December 31, 2026, for one seawater intake conduit and one discharge conduit.
The Ormond Beach Generation Station is located in the most densely populated community of color in Ventura County, which already experiences more pollution than 94% of Californians according to Cal EnviroScreen 4.0.
The Ormond Beach Generating Station (OBGS) was originally scheduled to retire in 2020 but instead, has been extended twice, moving the retirement date to December 31, 2026. The State Lands Commission’s Environmental Justice (EJ) Policy supports the transition away from fossil fuels through timely and responsible decommissioning of oil and gas facilities. Not only is OBGS posing a threat to our marine and wetland ecosystem, but the air pollution that OBGS emits contributes to already high rates of asthma, cancer, and heart disease in Oxnard.
OBGS is located near one of the last remaining wetlands in Southern California. The Commission’s EJ Policy highlights the importance of, “ [supporting] projects that increase access to Public Trust lands and resources for vulnerable communities that have traditionally not been able to enjoy them”. South Oxnard resident’s homes are located less than a mile from the beach but are blocked from the coast line by industry and polluting factories, including the OBGS. If the lease amendment were to be approved, Oxnard residents will continue to experience limited access to beaches in their backyard.
I am asking the State Lands Commission to uphold their commitment to clean air and coastal access for environmental justice communities by rejecting the lease amendment of Lease 4196 so that the Ormond Beach Generating Station can be permanently decommissioned.
[your name]