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CC: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Dear Jay Dobrowalski,
I’m writing to submit comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) on the proposed Port of Hueneme Temporary Outdoor Vehicle Storage Facility. The city did not do everything they could have done to provide meaningful public review. A large percentage of residents who would be most impacted by this project are primarily Spanish speakers but only a 5 page summary was translated to Spanish, out of the 1,000 page report. The DEIR should be translated into Spanish, and possibly other languages to make it more accessible to impacted residents.
The DEIR doesn’t take into account all of the different port expansion projects that this project is linked to which together will lead to much more diesel exhaust and other pollution in our community. This includes the 250 acre Multimodal Logistics Park, which is intended to transition out the 34 acre site, yet it is never mentioned in the DEIR.
The DEIR doesn’t analyze the increased pollution from port traffic on Hueneme Road driving to the 34-acre site. The DEIR should evaluate pollution from all vehicles that are driven every day back and forth from the port to the storage facility for 3-5 years, pollution from the ships that will bring the new cars in, and the diesel trucks and trains that will take the cars out of Oxnard to their final destinations.
Traffic directed to the 34-acre site will be near five elementary schools, one high school, two community parks, low-income housing, and a community health clinic, impacting several thousand young children who are more sensitive to air pollution. The DEIR needs to address the health impacts related to increased diesel emissions and particulate matter.
South Oxnard already faces pollution from the nearby power plant, superfund site, and nearby factories. The DEIR needs to consider environmental justice by assessing the impacts of the project in addition to the current pollution burdens faced by the South Oxnard residents
This project is right between South Oxnard neighborhoods and the Ormond Beach Wetlands which is being restored for a public green space for the community to enjoy and take their families. The DEIR does not look into the increased number of cars on Hueneme Road and the impacts it will have on surrounding neighborhoods trying to safely access the Ormond Beach Wetlands.
Finally, the DEIR doesn’t properly consider all possible alternatives like keeping the port’s traffic away from sensitive areas by using the site as a park instead, using storage space within the naval base or using zero-emission electric trucks to carry its cargo to existing sites.
The city needs to recirculate a new DEIR that addresses these flaws.
[Insert name]